vision and VALUES.
At Harvest, love connects, faith guides, and grace transforms—a community where everyone finds support and purpose.
Harvest Vision
As a Church family, our vision is to have a growing and vibrant church, transforming our city through the power and presence of Jesus. We believe that each person carries unique and special gifts and we value the heart and input of everyone in our church family and community. As we all continue to be transformed, strengthened and empowered in Spirit, Soul and Body, we can release the love and presence of Jesus to those around us, impacting our city and nation.
Harvest VALUES
Passionate, Authentic spirit led worship both corporately and individually.
Seeing people healed, set free and transformed into strong influential believers.
Kingdom family, real relationships, with love, honour and kingdom values.
Do everything to the best level of our energy, resources and creativity.
The presence of Jesus follows through our worship, through healing, the prophetic and signs and wonders.
Joyful and generous with our time, energy and resources while providing a great place to host people from all walks of life.